Dienstag, März 4, 2025

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StartscienceThe Earth is spinning faster: Time is running at a speed of...

The Earth is spinning faster: Time is running at a speed of 50 years

What if the feeling that time was already running out was correct? In fact, the Earth has reportedly been rotating at an unnatural speed lately The Telegraph. The planet now completes its rotation in 1.4602 milliseconds less than the usual 86,400 seconds. LandIts rotation is constantly changing due to the complex movement of the molten core, the oceans and the atmosphere, as well as the influence of celestial bodies such as the moon. The Telegraph newspaper reported that tidal friction and the change in the distance between the Earth and the Moon are all factors that lead to daily differences in the speed of the planet’s rotation around its axis, adding that even snow that accumulates on the mountains and melts in the summer can shift the rotation. July 19, 2020 registered as The shortest day Since records began in the 1960s after developing high-precision atomic clocks and comparing standard day lengths to fixed stars in the sky. The TelegraphThe shortest previous day in 2005 was hit 28 times in 2020, and 2021 is expected to be the fastest year on record, with the average day passing 0.5 milliseconds faster than usual. The planet is accelerating and a negative second jump may be required soon so atomic clocks can align properly with the spin world, and it will be the first time ever that a second of the world clocks has been removed.

„Certainly, the Earth is spinning faster now than at any time in the past 50 years,“ said Peter Weberley, senior researcher in the Time and Frequency Group at the National Physical Laboratory. The Telegraph„It is very likely that a negative second jump would be required if the Earth’s rotation rate increased further, but it is too early to say whether this is likely to happen,“ he added. “There is also an international discussion going on about the future of the leap seconds, and it is also possible that the need for a negative leap second will push the decision towards ending the leap seconds for good.” On Sunday, the solar day lasted 23 hours 59 minutes 59.9998927 seconds, then on Monday slowed to more From just over 24 hours, however, during 2021, atomic clocks are expected to accumulate a delay of about 19 milliseconds. While it will take hundreds of years for the difference to become apparent to most people, modern satellite communication and navigation systems rely on time that corresponds to the traditional positions of the sun, moon and stars, and from the mission of scientists and officials at the International Earth Rotation Service, based in Paris, to monitor the planet’s rotation And inform countries when the leap seconds should be added or removed six months in advance.

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