10:28 Uhr: Chief Wagner wirbt mit seinen Streitkräften in Rivalität mit dem russischen MilitärIn einem am Samstagabend vom Pressedienst veröffentlichten Videoclip sprach Jewgeni Prigogne...
Etwa 50 Frauen wurden am Donnerstag, den 12. Januar und Freitag, den 13. Januar von mutmaßlichen Dschihadisten in Arbinda im Norden von Burkina Faso...
10:28 Uhr: Chief Wagner wirbt mit seinen Streitkräften in Rivalität mit dem russischen MilitärIn einem am Samstagabend vom Pressedienst veröffentlichten Videoclip sprach Jewgeni Prigogne...
"The court decided that personal freedom is absolutely necessary so that it should not be restricted accidentally or indefinitely," George Mosesi told CNN by...
More than two-thirds of Americans approve of President Biden's response to the coronavirus pandemic days after his inauguration, according to The survey was released...
Kremlin officials have criticized the US government for expressing support for the protests sweeping Russia in support of imprisoned opposition leader Alexei Navalny, accusing...
that Ohio The restaurant owner warns that any increase in the minimum wage now will hurt small businesses the most. President Biden signed executive...
On Friday, a Swiss court indicted French-Israeli mining magnate Benny Steinmetz on charges of corrupting foreign public officials and forging documents, in a trial...
When Jamal Centurk was transported by ambulance to Medical Park Hospital in Trabzon on January 14th, his dog, Punkuk, escaped from their apartment and...
After returning to her home in New Jersey, she enrolled in self-defense ranks and bought a security car Taser.In September, New York University Settlement...
Disturbing video footage shows a man crawling outside a hospital in Canada after doctors assumed he was "faking" severe leg pain.
David Pontoni, 45, is...