10:28 Uhr: Chief Wagner wirbt mit seinen Streitkräften in Rivalität mit dem russischen MilitärIn einem am Samstagabend vom Pressedienst veröffentlichten Videoclip sprach Jewgeni Prigogne...
Etwa 50 Frauen wurden am Donnerstag, den 12. Januar und Freitag, den 13. Januar von mutmaßlichen Dschihadisten in Arbinda im Norden von Burkina Faso...
10:28 Uhr: Chief Wagner wirbt mit seinen Streitkräften in Rivalität mit dem russischen MilitärIn einem am Samstagabend vom Pressedienst veröffentlichten Videoclip sprach Jewgeni Prigogne...
Jiyuan Village, China - When the Chinese government offered free cows to farmers in Jiyuan, villagers in the remote mountain community were skeptical. ...
Chinese health authorities have approved a Covid vaccine from the state-owned Sinopharm for public use on the population, the government announced.
At a press conference...
Hong Kong Media mogul Jimmy Lai's sponsorship was canceled after prosecutors successfully petitioned the city's highest court to return him to custody.Lai was released...
Officials announced on Wednesday that Canada will require air travelers to submit a negative COVID-19 test to enter the country.Travelers arriving in Canada by...
In a statement, the UK government said the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) had authorized the University of Oxford / AstraZeneca for...
Russian authorities have stepped up pressure on the prominent Kremlin critic Alexey Navalny By bringing new fraud charges against him.The Investigation Commission, Russia's main...